As a result of the recent pandemic, the Round Table discontinued its in-person meetings and instead hosted its speakers via Zoom. This change allowed attendees from all of the world share with us their passion for the study of Civil War history and enjoy fellowship and camaraderie with other history enthusiasts. Because our Round Table in the past has been comprised primarily of members who live in the DC area, however, we often reported about current and upcoming events and activities occurring locally. Now that we have members joining from outside the DC area, however, we would like to use Zoom technology to offer those attendees an opportunity to share information about Civil War events, sites, artifacts, and stories related to where they live. One idea suggested recently is to have members or historians on site at the Battle of Stones River share with us photographs and other media they have about that battle. Another is to have one of our members located in Missouri give us a virtual walking tour of the bridge that Archer Alexander (of Emancipation Memorial statue fame) reported to Union troops would be sabotaged by the Confederate troops. Conversely, we hope to have members who reside in the DC area give virtual walking tours of locations in the Capital City and nearby battlefields for attendees who are unlikely to visit our area. 

Make a Civil War History "Show & Tell" Presentation

If you would like to make a presentation (either in-person or via Zoom) to our Round Table about an event, tour, experience or story, please send an email to our Director John Anderson at (or by clicking HERE) with the Subject Line "CWRTDC Show & Tell Request" along with the information requested below.  We plan to host these as short (15 minute) presentations made before the scheduled speaker's talk during our regular meetings.  See our home page at for a list of the dates for our meetings. 

1.  The date of the event, tour, experience, or story. 

2.  The name of the the historical place or the name of the event, tour, experience, or story 

3.  If an event, please briefly describe the event. 

4.  If a tour or visit to a Civil War-related historical or other site, please briefly described the tour or visit. 

5.  Please provide three key highlights of the event or the historical tour or visit relevant to Civil War history enthusiasts. 

6.  Please describe any personal connection you have to the event or the historical site. 

7.  Describe what made the greatest impression on you from the event, tour, experience or story that you would like to share with other Civil War history enthusiasts. 

8.  Please rate the event, tour, experience or story from your persepective on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest. 

9.  Provide pictures, images or other media (or links to such materials)(optional).

Give a Report on a Book Related to Civil War History

 Alternatively (or in additon to), if you would like to give a book report (either in-person or via Zoom) to our Round Table,  please send an email to John Anderson at (or by clicking HEREwith the Subject Line "CWRTDC Book Review Request" along with the information requested below.  We also plan to schedule these in some cases as short (15 minute) presentations before the scheduled speaker's talk during our regular meetings.  

1.  The title, author, publisher and number of pages of the book.

2.  Explain why you selected this book to read at this time.

3.  Provide a brief overview of the book and explain why you consider the book relevant to Civil War Round Table members.

4.  Provide three key "takeaways" that you discovered when reading this book?

5.  Rate the this book from in terms of other books you have read on the same or similar subject (on a scale of 1- 10, with 10 being the highest).

6.  Explain whether (and why) you would recommend that the author be nvited to make a speaker presentation to the CWRTDC.